



1: 名無しさん@涙目です。 2019/01/03(木) 11:03:24.33 ID:R9hOEiZI0.net BE:292723191-PLT(19081)
MOVIE star Johnny Depp stunned a couple celebrating their wedding anniversary
by downing champagne with them on Eurostar.

Electrician David King, 30, and wife Roxanne, 27, were on the way back from Paris
when the Pirates of the Caribbean star joined them in the business class carriage.

Depp, 55, toasted the couple and chatted to them as he returned from a visit to a Paris children's hospital.

Roxanne said:'We couldn't believe it when he walked into the carriage with his security guard.
We did a double take and David whispered to me 'I think that's Johnny Depp' and I said 'Yes, it is'.

"We sat there for twenty minutes in silence then my husband went 'Alright Johnny' and the conversation started.
"We told him it was our first wedding anniversary and he got some champagne and
insisted on joining us for a drink with his bodyguard.

"The two hours flew by and he talked about how he had been at a hospital in Paris
and he asked about our daughter. It was quite a shock to be chewing the fat with
a big movie star like that and he even rolled a cigarette but said he would wait until he got off at Ashford.

"Before he got off he signed our champagne bottle box and wished us a happy anniversary and a happy new year."

5: 名無しさん@涙目です。 2019/01/03(木) 11:05:57.21 ID:a2Rg4o650.net

3: 名無しさん@涙目です。 2019/01/03(木) 11:05:34.10 ID:DJY8mA7F0.net


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