

イタリアの橋崩壊事故が莫大な死傷者を出す大惨事に発展 100mの高さから車が落下


1:みつを ★:2018/08/15(水) 01:12:34.28 ID:CAP_USER9



Thirty five killed including a baby and dozens more feared dead as 'wobbly' highway bridge collapses while cars drive across it after it was 'struck by lightning' in 'apocalyptic scene' in Genoa

By Charlie Moore and Julian Robinson for MailOnline
06:45 EDT 14 Aug 2018, updated 11:46 EDT 14 Aug 2018

・At least 35 dead after huge section of Morandi bridge suddenly collapsed during fierce storm in Genoa, Italy
・Cars and trucks fell 300ft at 11.30am today as one witness described the carnage as an 'apocalyptic scene'
・Officials fear there are 'dozens dead' in the 'immense tragedy' and there are also fears of gas pipe explosions
・Bridge was built on the A10 toll motorway in northwestern Italy in the 1960s and was undergoing repairs
・Were you in Genoa when the bridge collapsed? Email charlie.moore@mailonline.co.uk


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