1: 以下、名無しにかわりましてネギ速がお送りします 2018/07/09(月) 18:17:08.47 ID:bnmiX27u0.net
Hero Dog Gets Bitten By A Venomous Rattlesnake After Jumping In Front Of It To Save His Human
Every dog owner is familiar with those early morning walks with the beloved pet.
So is Paula Godwin from Anthem, USA, who casually took a carefree walk with her two dogs –
Todd and Cooper – last Friday, June 29th, but it ended not really as she expected.
3: 以下、名無しにかわりましてネギ速がお送りします 2018/07/09(月) 18:17:48.05 ID:0kVyYMSH0.net