



1: 名無しのスコールさん 2017/03/08(水) 22:19:29.95 ID:xx1RB0bK0.net
The strange ghostly man appears to be smiling at the camera - but the family insist that no one else was with them on their trip
A young teenage girl was "freaked out" when she spotted a mysterious 'ghost man' in her selfie, taken while on a fishing trip with her grandparents.
Haley Ogletree, 13, was spending the day with family to celebrate her brother's birthday.
But after taking a commemorative snap of the occasion, Haley, from Georgia, US, spotted something sinister in the back of her photograph.
If you look closely, standing on the right of Haley's brother appears to be the shadowy figure of a man , wearing a cap and a collared shirt, and smiling for the camera.
But mysteriously, the family claim there was no one else with them on the trip, and certainly not standing with them by their vehicle.
In fact, Haley and her grandparents didn't see anyone else fishing near them in the area all day.
On Facebook, Haley's mother, Jessica Ogletree wrote: "FB friends check this out!
This picture was taken by my 13-year-old daughter earlier today at Paradise (the fishing place) in Tifton, Georgia.
"Notice my son Kolton in the background and then notice the gentleman standing to his right.
"Y'all, this gentleman was NOT with them today and there was no one else at these back ponds where they were fishing.
"The only people there today were Haley, Kolton, and their grandparents Dennis and Vera Baldree.
"Haley was going back through her pictures and saw this, and needless to say freaked out and called me.


引用元: ・【心霊写真?】釣りに行った少女の自撮りに謎の男が映り込む


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